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bib24707 (20 / maig / 2024)

Darrera modificació: 2018-10-13
Bases de dades: Sciè

Veit, Raphaela, "Greek roots, Arab authoring, Latin overlay: reflections on the sources for Avicenna's Canon", dins: Wisnovsky, Robert - Wallis, Faith - Fumo, Jamie C. - Fraenkel, Carlos (eds.), Vehicles of Transmission, Translation, and Transformation in Medieval Textual Culture, Turnhout, Brepols (Cursor mundi, 4), 2011, pp. 353-369.

In this volume the McGill University Research Group on Transmission, Translation, and Transformation in Medieval Cultures and their collaborators initiate a new reflection on the dynamics involved in receiving texts and ideas from the antiquity or from other contemporary cultures. For all their historic specificity, the western European, Arab/Islamic and Jewish civilizations of the Middle Ages were nonetheless co-participants in a complex web of cultural transmission that operated via translation and inevitably involved the transformation of what had been received. This threefold process is what defines medieval intellectual history. Every act of transmission presumes the existence of some ‘efficient cause' – a translation, a commentary, a book, a library etc. Such vehicles of transmission, however, are not passive containers in which cultural products are transported. On the contrary: the vehicles themselves select, shape, and transform the material transmitted, making ancient or alien cultural products usable and attractive in another milieu. The case studies contained in this volume attempt to bring these larger processes into the foreground. They lay the groundwork for a new intellectual history of medieval civilizations in all their variety, based on the core premise that these shared not only a cultural heritage from antiquity but, more importantly, a broadly comparable ‘operating system' for engaging with that heritage. Each was a culture of transmission, claiming ownership over the prestigious knowledge inherited from the past. Each depended on translation. Finally, each transformed what it appropriated.
Què són les imatges?

Les petites imatges de la cinta ornamental corresponen, d'esquerra a dreta, als següents documents: 1. Jaume II ordena resoldre les discòrdies veïnals per una finca del metge reial Arnau de Vilanova a la ciutat de València, 1298 (ACA); 2. Contracte entre Guglielmo Neri de Santo Martino, cirurgià de Pisa, i el físic-cirurgià de Mallorca Pere Saflor, batxiller en medicina, per a exercir la medicina i la cirurgia sota la direcció del segon, 1356 (ACM); 3. Valoració de l'obrador de l'apotecari de Barcelona Guillem Metge, efectuada pels apotecaris Miquel Tosell, Berenguer Duran i Vicenç Bonanat, per a ser venut al també apotecari Llorenç Bassa, 1364 (AHPB); 4. Pere III el Cerimoniós regularitza la situació legal d'Esteró, metgessa jueva de Vilafranca del Penedès, concedint-li una llicència extraordinària per a exercir la medicina, 1384 (ACA); 5. Procura de Margarida de Tornerons, metgessa a Prats de Molló i a Vic, per a recuperar els béns que li retenia un tercer a Vic, 1401 (ABEV); 6. Doctorat i llicència docent de Narcís Solà, batxiller en medicina, expedits per Bernat de Casaldòvol, doctor en medicina i canceller de la Facultat de Medicina de Barcelona, 1526 (AHCB); i 7. Societat entre Joan Llunes i Joan Francesc Llunes, pare i fill, i Lluís Gual, gendre del primer, cirurgians de Caldes de Montbui, per a exercir la professió, 1579 (AHCB).