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bib21010 (06 / October / 2024)

Darrera modificació: 2015-11-22
Bases de dades: Sciè

Fontaine, Resianne - Freudenthal, Gad - Fidora, Alexander - Hames, Harvey J. - Schwartz, Yossef (eds.), Latin-into-Hebrew: Texts and Studies, Leiden, Brill (Studies in Jewish history and culture, 39-40), 2013, 2 vols.

This two-volume work, 'Latin-into-Hebrew: Texts and Studies' sheds new light on an under-investigated phenomenon of European medieval intellectual history: the transmission of knowledge and texts from Latin into Hebrew between the twelfth and the fifteenth century. Because medieval Jewish philosophy and science in Christian Europe drew mostly on Hebrew translations from Arabic, the significance of the input from the Christian majority culture has been neglected. 'Latin-into-Hebrew: Texts and Studies' redresses the balance. It highlights the various phases of Latin-into-Hebrew translations and considers their disparity in time, place, and motivations. Special emphasis is put on the singular role of the translations of Latin medical and philosophical literature. 'Volume One: Studies', offers 18 studies and 'Volume Two: Texts in Contexts', includes editions and analyses of hitherto unpublished texts of medieval Latin-into-Hebrew translations....This groundbreaking work is indispensable for any scholar interested in the history of medieval philosophic and scientific thought in Hebrew, Latin, and Arabic in relationship to the vicissitudes of Jewish-Christian relations.

-- 1. Studies / ed. Resianne Fontaine & Gad Freudenthal
* In Memoriam: Francesca Yardenit Albertini (1974-2011) · 1
* Latin-into-Hebrew: Introducing a Neglected Chapter in European Cultural History / Alexander Fidora, Resianne Fontaine, Gad Freudenthal, Harvey J. Hames, & Yossef Schwartz · 9
* Introduction to this Volume / Resianne Fontaine & Gad Freudenthal · 19
- Part 1: Latin-into-Hebrew: The Linguistic Conditions of Its Possibility
* 1. McVaugh - Einbinder (2013), "Latin into Hebrew — Twice over! ..." · 31
* 2. Aslanov (2013), "Latin in Hebrew letters: the ..." · 45
* 3. Freudenthal (2013), "Latin-into-Hebrew in the making ..." · 59
* 4. Aslanov (2013), "From Latin into Hebrew through ..." · 69
* 5. La pratique du latin chez les médecins juifs et néophytes de Provence médiévale (XIVe-XVIe siecles) / Danièle Iancu-Agou · 85
- Part 2: Latin-into-Hebrew: The Medical Connection
* 6. The Father of the Latin-into-Hebrew Translations: 'Doeg the Edomite', the Twelfth-Century Repentant Convert / Gad Freudenthal · 105
* 7. Cohen-Hanegbi - Melammed (2013), "Transmitting medicine across ..." · 121
* 8. The Three Magi and Other Christian Motifs in Medieval Hebrew Medical Incantations: A Study in the Limits of Faithful Translation / Katelyn Mesler · 161
- Part 3: Latin-into-Hebrew: The Philosophical-Scientific and Literary-Moral Contexts
* 9. An Anonymous Hebrew Translation of a Latin Treatise on Meteorology / Resianne Fontaine · 221
* 10. Albert the Naturalist in Judah Romano's Hebrew Translations / Carsten L. Wilke · 245
* 11. Thomas Aquinas's Summa theologiae in Hebrew: A New Finding / Tamas Visi · 275
* 12. The Aragonese Circle of 'Jewish Scholastics' and Its Possible Relationship to Local Christian Scholarship: An Overview of Historical Data and Some General Questions / Mauro Zonta · 295
* 13. 'Would that My Words Were Inscribed': Berechiah ha-Naqdan's Mišlei šuʿalim and European Fable Traditions / Tovi Bibring · 309
- Part 4: Latin-into-Hebrew: The Religious Context
* 14. Latin into Hebrew and the Medieval Jewish-Christian Debate / Daniel J. Lasker · 333
* 15. Citations latines de la tradition chrétienne dans la littérature hébraïque de controverse avec le christianisme (XIIe-XVe s.) / Philippe Bobichon · 349
- Part 5: Latin-into-Hebrew: Final Reflections
* 16. Traductions refaites et traductions révisées / Jean-Pierre Rothschild · 391
* 17. Nation and Translation: Steinschneider's Hebraische Ubersetzungen and the End of Jewish Cultural Nationalism / Irene E. Zwiep · 421
* 18. Postface: Cultural Transfer between Latin and Hebrew in the Middle Ages / Charles Burnett · 447

-- 2. Texts in Contexts / ed. Alexander Fidora, Harvey J. Hames & Yossef Schwartz
* Latin-into-Hebrew: Introducing a Neglected Chapter in European Cultural History / Alexander Fidora, Resianne Fontaine, Gad Freudenthal, Harvey J. Hames, & Yossef Schwartz · 1
* Introduction to this Volume / Alexander Fidora, Harvey J. Hames, and Yossef Schwartz · 11
- Part 1: Textual Analyses
* 1. The Medieval Hebrew Translations of Dominicus Gundissalinus / Yossef Schwartz · 19
* 2. Le Livre des causes du latin à l'hébreu: textes, problèmes, réception / Jean-Pierre Rothschild · 47
* 3. Abraham Shalom's Hebrew Translation of a Latin Treatise on Meteorology / Resianne Fontaine · 85
* 4. The Quaestio de unitate universalis Translated into Hebrew: Vincent Ferrer, Petrus Nigri and 'Eli Habillo — A Textual Comparison / Alexander Fidora & Mauro Zonta · 101
* 5. Ramon Llull's Ars brevis Translated into Hebrew: Problems of Terminology and Methodology / Harvey J. Hames · 135
* 6. Latin into Hebrew (and Back): Flavius Mithridates and his Latin Translations from Judah Romano / Saverio Campanini · 161
* 7. Mordekhai Finzi's Translation of Maestro Dardi's Italian Algebra / Roy Wagner · 195
- Part 2: Hebrew Text Editions
* 8. Dominicus Gundissalinus: Sefer ha-nefeš (Tractatus de anima) / Yossef Schwartz (ed.) · 225
* 9. Dominicus Gundissalinus (Wrongly Attributed to Boethius): Maamar ha-eḥad ve-ha-aḥdut (De unitate et uno) / Yossef Schwartz (ed.) · 281
* 10. Les traductions hébraïques du Livre des causes latin, édition synoptique / Jean-Pierre Rothschild (ed.) · 289
* 11. Judah Romano's Hebrew Translation from Albert, De anima III / Carsten L. Wilke (ed) · 369
* 12. Mordekhai Finzi's Translation of Maestro Dardi's Italian Algebra, a Partial Edition / Roy Wagner (ed.) · 437
https:/​/​​books?id=SfWZAAAAQBAJ​&lpg=P ... (1)
https:/​/​​books?id=HQYSBQAAQBAJ​&lpg=P ... (2)
Què són les imatges?

Les petites imatges de la cinta ornamental corresponen, d'esquerra a dreta, als següents documents: 1. Jaume II ordena resoldre les discòrdies veïnals per una finca del metge reial Arnau de Vilanova a la ciutat de València, 1298 (ACA); 2. Contracte entre Guglielmo Neri de Santo Martino, cirurgià de Pisa, i el físic-cirurgià de Mallorca Pere Saflor, batxiller en medicina, per a exercir la medicina i la cirurgia sota la direcció del segon, 1356 (ACM); 3. Valoració de l'obrador de l'apotecari de Barcelona Guillem Metge, efectuada pels apotecaris Miquel Tosell, Berenguer Duran i Vicenç Bonanat, per a ser venut al també apotecari Llorenç Bassa, 1364 (AHPB); 4. Pere III el Cerimoniós regularitza la situació legal d'Esteró, metgessa jueva de Vilafranca del Penedès, concedint-li una llicència extraordinària per a exercir la medicina, 1384 (ACA); 5. Procura de Margarida de Tornerons, metgessa a Prats de Molló i a Vic, per a recuperar els béns que li retenia un tercer a Vic, 1401 (ABEV); 6. Doctorat i llicència docent de Narcís Solà, batxiller en medicina, expedits per Bernat de Casaldòvol, doctor en medicina i canceller de la Facultat de Medicina de Barcelona, 1526 (AHCB); i 7. Societat entre Joan Llunes i Joan Francesc Llunes, pare i fill, i Lluís Gual, gendre del primer, cirurgians de Caldes de Montbui, per a exercir la professió, 1579 (AHCB).