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bib10080 (05 / juliol / 2024)

Darrera modificació: 2011-02-27
Bases de dades: Sciè, Translat

Reinis, Austria, Reforming the Art of Dying: The ars moriendi in the German Reformation (1619-1528), Aldershot - Burlington, VT, Ashgate (St. Andrews studies in Reformation history), 2007, viii + 290 pp.

The Reformation forced Christians to reconsider virtually every aspect of their faith, and those who embraced Luther's teachings had to find new ways of dealing with the many aspects of their lives. Nowhere is this more true than with death. By the beginning of the sixteenth century the Catholic Church had an established and sophisticated mechanism for dealing with death and its consequences, all of which were rejected by the Protestant reformers. In order to fill this gap and offer comfort to the dying, they produced new church orders and published handbooks on dying. This study focuses on the earliest of these Protestant handbooks, beginning with Luther's "Sermon on Preparing to Die" in 1519 and ending with Jakob Otter's "Christlich leben vnd sterben" in 1528. It explores how Luther and his colleagues adopted traditional themes and motifs even as they transformed them to accord with their conviction that Christians could be certain of their salvation. It further shows how Luther's colleagues drew on his writings, not only his teaching on dying, but also other writings including his sermons on the sacraments. The study concludes that the assurance of salvation that these works offered represented a significant change from traditional teaching on death. By examining the ways in which the themes and teachings of the reformers differed from the late medieval ars moriendi, the book underlines many of the breaks as well as continuities that underpinned the early Reformation.

* Introduction
* Between fear and hope: uncertainty of salvation in the late medieval Ars moriendi
* Martin Luther's Eyn Sermon von der bereytung zum sterben (1519)
* Sermons on preparation for death
* Handbooks or manuals for use at the deathbed
* Instruction on dying in summaries of reformation teaching
* Conclusion
Religió - Espiritualitat
Què són les imatges?

Les petites imatges de la cinta ornamental corresponen, d'esquerra a dreta, als següents documents: 1. Jaume II ordena resoldre les discòrdies veïnals per una finca del metge reial Arnau de Vilanova a la ciutat de València, 1298 (ACA); 2. Contracte entre Guglielmo Neri de Santo Martino, cirurgià de Pisa, i el físic-cirurgià de Mallorca Pere Saflor, batxiller en medicina, per a exercir la medicina i la cirurgia sota la direcció del segon, 1356 (ACM); 3. Valoració de l'obrador de l'apotecari de Barcelona Guillem Metge, efectuada pels apotecaris Miquel Tosell, Berenguer Duran i Vicenç Bonanat, per a ser venut al també apotecari Llorenç Bassa, 1364 (AHPB); 4. Pere III el Cerimoniós regularitza la situació legal d'Esteró, metgessa jueva de Vilafranca del Penedès, concedint-li una llicència extraordinària per a exercir la medicina, 1384 (ACA); 5. Procura de Margarida de Tornerons, metgessa a Prats de Molló i a Vic, per a recuperar els béns que li retenia un tercer a Vic, 1401 (ABEV); 6. Doctorat i llicència docent de Narcís Solà, batxiller en medicina, expedits per Bernat de Casaldòvol, doctor en medicina i canceller de la Facultat de Medicina de Barcelona, 1526 (AHCB); i 7. Societat entre Joan Llunes i Joan Francesc Llunes, pare i fill, i Lluís Gual, gendre del primer, cirurgians de Caldes de Montbui, per a exercir la professió, 1579 (AHCB).