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doc10194 (05 / juliol / 2024)

Vaticà [Vaticano] - Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana - Manoscritti: Vat. lat. – 3824, f. 108rv

Publicació de la fitxa: 2023-10-24
Darrera modificació: 2023-10-24
Bases de dades:Arnau


Autor:Jordi Bossoms


Tipus de document:Lletra



Llocs / territoris

Territoris:França (regne)
Localitats:Ambrun [Embrun]



Arxiu / fons:Vaticà [Vaticano] - Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana - Manoscritti: Vat. lat.
Signatura:3824, f. 108rv

Data i lloc

Data: novembre 1301





Arnau de Vilanova tramet còpia del tractat De mysterio al bisbe d'Embrun.
Extret d'Alanyà (2022), Diplomatarium Arnaldi de ..., pàg. 123, doc. 84
Persones relacionades
1. Arnau de Vilanova (c. 1240 – 1311) - remitent


Transcripció:«Angelo Ebredunensis ecclesie.
Crebra suavitatis aromata, que longe diffusa recreant spiritus amatorum celestis agni, puritatis vestre noticiam adeo percipientibus imprimunt quod non solum profunda viscerum incalescunt ad vestri dilectionem, set quadam ipsius Christi dulcedine, pergustata in pomo suo, gustantium animus rapitur in amplexum vestre paternitatis et ad devotionis obsequia promptum efficit odor fame. Et cetera.»
Extret d'Alanyà (2022), Diplomatarium Arnaldi de ..., pàg. 123, doc. 84
Arnau de Vilanova, Tractatus de mysterio cymbalorum ecclesiae


Citacions:Alanyà (2022), Diplomatarium Arnaldi de ..., pàg. 123, doc. 84
What are the images?

The small images on the decorative ribbon correspond, from left to right, to the following documents: 1. James II orders the settlement of neighborhood disputes over an estate of the royal doctor Arnau de Vilanova in the city of Valencia. 1298 (ACA); 2. Contract between Guglielmo Neri de Santo Martino, a surgeon from Pisa, and the physician-surgeon from Majorca Pere Saflor, bachelor of medicine, to practise medicine and surgery under the latter’s direction, 1356 (ACM); 3. Valuation of the workshop of Guillem Metge, an apothecary from Barcelona, made by the apothecaries Miquel Tosell, Berenguer Duran and Vicenç Bonanat, for its sale to Llorenç Bassa, a fellow apothecary, 1364 (AHPB); 4. Peter III the Ceremonious regularizes the legal situation of Esteró, a Jewish female doctor from Vilafranca del Penedès, granting her an extraordinary license to practice medicine. 1384 (ACA); 5. Power of attorney of Margarida de Tornerons, a doctor in Prats de Molló and Vic, in order to recover the goods withheld from her by a third party in Vic, 1401 (ABEV); 6. Doctorate and teaching license of Narcís Solà, bachelor of medicine, issued by Bernat de Casaldòvol, doctor of medicine and chancellor of the Faculty of Medicine in Barcelona, 1526 (AHCB); and 7. Partnership between Joan Llunes and Joan Francesc Llunes, father and son, and Lluís Gual, the former’s son-in-law, surgeons of Caldes de Montbui, in order to practise the profession, 1579 (AHCB).