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bib4227 (16 / juliol / 2024)

Darrera modificació: 2015-10-30
Bases de dades: Sciè, Arnau

Menéndez Pelayo, Marcelino, Historia de los heterodoxos españoles, Madrid, Librería Católica de San José, 1880 - 1881, 3 vols.

España romana y visigoda. -- Período de la Reconquista. -- Erasmistas y protestantes. -- Protestantismo y sectas místicas. -- Regalismo y Enciclopedia. -- Heterodoxia en el siglo XIX. -- Apéndice I: Documentos. -- Apéndice II: España antes del Cristianismo
Història de la cultura
Vilanova, Arnau de
Ed. refosa i anotada en 7 vols., "ordenada y anotada por Adolfo Bonilla y San Martín y Miguel Artigas", dins Obras completas, Madrid, Librería General de Victoriano Suárez, 1911-1932, vols. 1, 7-8, 16-19. Reimpr.: 1933, etc.
Ed. en 8 vols.: Buenos Aires, Emecé, 1945; Santander, Aldus - Madrid, CSIC, 1946-1948
Ed. en 3 vols.: Madrid, CSIC, 1948. Reimpr. facs.: 1992.
Ed. en 3 vols.: Buenos Aires, Espasa-Calpe Argentina, 1951.
Ed. en 2 vols.: Madrid, La Editorial Católica, 1956. Reimpr.: 1967, 1978, 1986-1987, 2000.
Ed. en 4 vols., "preparada por Enrique Sánchez Reyes": Madrid, CSIC, 1963.
Ed. en 2 vols., "editionem curavit Javier María Pérez-Roldán... [et al.]", Madrid, Homo Legens, 2007.
http:/​/​​details/​historiadeloshet01men (1)
http:/​/​​details/​historiadeloshet02men (2)
http:/​/​​details/​historiadeloshet03men (3)
http:/​/​​FichaObra.html?Ref=836 (1978)
Conté edicions de
1.Anònim, Eixarms per a diverses malalties (AD66 3E1/546), vol. 1, pp. 605-606, nota
Observacions: A partir d'Alart 1877.
2.Arnau de Vilanova (c. 1240 – 1311), Interpretatio de visionibus in somniis dominorum Iacobi secundi regis Aragonum et Friderici tertii regis Siciliae eius fratris, vol. 1, pp. 720-734
3.Arnau de Vilanova (c. 1240 – 1311), Appellatio ad apostolicam sedem contra cancellarium et collegium theologorum Parisiensium, vol. 1, pp. 742-745
4.Arnau de Vilanova (c. 1240 – 1311), Informació espiritual, vol. 1, pp. 745-752
5.Arnau de Vilanova (c. 1240 – 1311), Raonament d'Avinyó, vol. 1, pp. 753-770
What are the images?

The small images on the decorative ribbon correspond, from left to right, to the following documents: 1. James II orders the settlement of neighborhood disputes over an estate of the royal doctor Arnau de Vilanova in the city of Valencia. 1298 (ACA); 2. Contract between Guglielmo Neri de Santo Martino, a surgeon from Pisa, and the physician-surgeon from Majorca Pere Saflor, bachelor of medicine, to practise medicine and surgery under the latter’s direction, 1356 (ACM); 3. Valuation of the workshop of Guillem Metge, an apothecary from Barcelona, made by the apothecaries Miquel Tosell, Berenguer Duran and Vicenç Bonanat, for its sale to Llorenç Bassa, a fellow apothecary, 1364 (AHPB); 4. Peter III the Ceremonious regularizes the legal situation of Esteró, a Jewish female doctor from Vilafranca del Penedès, granting her an extraordinary license to practice medicine. 1384 (ACA); 5. Power of attorney of Margarida de Tornerons, a doctor in Prats de Molló and Vic, in order to recover the goods withheld from her by a third party in Vic, 1401 (ABEV); 6. Doctorate and teaching license of Narcís Solà, bachelor of medicine, issued by Bernat de Casaldòvol, doctor of medicine and chancellor of the Faculty of Medicine in Barcelona, 1526 (AHCB); and 7. Partnership between Joan Llunes and Joan Francesc Llunes, father and son, and Lluís Gual, the former’s son-in-law, surgeons of Caldes de Montbui, in order to practise the profession, 1579 (AHCB).